Error Codes

1300An unknown error happened when interacting with the endpoint.
1301An unknown error happened when constructing response.
1400A required header 'Authorization' was missing in your request.
1401A required header 'Authorization' was invalid in your request.
1402The endpoint you're trying to access does not belong to your app.
1403Your trial use of this api key has expired.
1404Your api key does not give you permission to take this action.
1500The parameter 'EndpointId' was invalid in your request.
1501The parameter 'EndpointId' was missing in your request.
1502The endpoint you're trying to access is marked as inactive.
1503The request body was missing in your request.
1504The request body was invalid in your request.
1505The request parameter 'userId' was missing in your request.
1505The request parameter 'userId' was invalid in your request.
1506The request parameter 'companyId' was missing in your request.
1506The request parameter 'companyId' was invalid in your request.
1507The request object was not found.
1508The requested action is not supported.
1509The request parameter 'agentToken' was missing in your request.
1510The request parameter 'agentToken' was invalid in your request.
1511A required parameter was missing in your request.
1600The agent's response was empty.
1601The agent did not respond.
1602The agent responded with an unusable message.
1700There is no company associated with this user.
1800The record you're trying to create already exists.
1900The queue for the agent your trying to interact with is already full. This means that the Agent is currently processing a request and can't respond to another one.
4000General error status code as a catch all when there is an unhandled error or exception from the endpoint app (QBD) or the API when processing data. Error message received will be included in the message. If you have any questions please provide the error message with your CommandGuid or RequestID when sending to support.
4001Typically you'll receive this message when the agent or API fails to connect to the endpoint app (QBD or QBO) and the relevant error message from the app is returned with a default message of "endpoint could not be initialized". You could also receive this message while provisioning a company with QBD or QBO, and if that's the case it's most likely an issue with connecting to the app itself and advised to ensure the user is following the correct flow to initiate a company connection.
4099The message will be a generic response message from our API: "Global exception caught while {{action}} data.." If this is received please reach out to support with as much detail and context as possible including the CommandGuid or RequestID.
4100There was unhandled or uncaught error when selecting data please review the received error message for further details.