Provisioning Users
As an Autofy API partner, you get two keys - Test and Production. You get the Test key when you begin your evaluation, and a Production key when you become a signed partner.
The Test key limits your use of the API to 5 endpoint IDs, (QuickBooks companies), and is good for 30 days of evaluation. There is no charge for these endpoint IDs / companies.
Once you purchase the API, you'll be given a Production key, which has no such limit. All endpoint IDs provisioned with your Production key will be included in your monthly API billing. The time restriction of your Test key is also lifted, and you can continue to use that key while you are an Autofy API user.
You can distinguish between a Test and Production API key by noticing that Test keys are pre-pended with 'TEST', whereas Production keys aren't.
Updated over 5 years ago