Introduction and API Key

Overview of the Autofy platform, and instructions on how to get your API Key

The Autofy API is a REST based service that lets you work with QuickBooks Desktop data for your application. After getting your app's API key, you can learn how to set up the Agent, provision users, and process data. This guide will walk you through setting up new users, so you can get started on the platform.

To speak with someone about using this for your own end users, just message us, and we'll be happy to discuss.


This guide will walk you through the following topics.

  • Getting an API key, which identifies your app on our platform.
  • Creating a User, which represents a single Autofy Agent that will be linked as a child under a Company.
  • Setting up the Autofy Agent, which is a white-label branded Windows application that facilitates the communication with your end user's local QuickBooks company data.
  • Creating a Company, which represents your end user (usually this is a business or organization). This also creates an Endpoint, which is a QuickBooks company file.
  • Integrate! Now you can make API calls to process data.

Don't forget to familiarize yourself with the Autofy reference to learn about the API calls we currently support and their structure.


To get access to the Autofy API, you'll need a key. This key is used to identify your application in the Autofy platform, and you'll use it in every request your application makes.

To get a key, send us a message in the messenger in the lower right corner, and we'll get you one right away.