Frequently Asked Questions
The Autofy API supports a wide range of functionality and data that powers millions of requests each year. If you're not sure where to start with your question, check out our FAQs below.
Is [my object] supported by Autofy?
There are a few places you can go to answer this. One is our metadata API, which is our official record of supported data. Another is our Object Relationships table. If you're still unsure, feel free to message us or send us an email so the team can help you.
What fields are supported on each object?
Our metadata API is the best place to go to find the latest information about our data definition.
Can the Autofy Agent run as a service?
No, because of technical guidelines from some of the applications we support, Autofy can't be run as a service. However, the Agent is programmed to run on startup to maximize its availability.
If QuickBooks Desktop isn't running, can Autofy still access it?
Yes, as long as the end user has given that level of access when they authorized Autofy initially, and assigned a QuickBooks user for Autofy to use.
What should I do when I get an OpenConnection error?
If you get an error message that says "You cannot make multiple successive calls to the 'OpenConnection' method. Call 'CloseConnection' before calling 'OpenConnection' again.", you should end all QuickBooks processes through Task Manager, restart QuickBooks, and try your request again. In this scenario, there is usually an error inside QuickBooks preventing Autofy from closing the connection to the company file.
Can we send attachments to the accounting app we're using with Autofy?
No, at this time Autofy does not support sending attachments, in accordance with technical guidelines from some of the applications we support.
Does Daylight Savings Time (DST) affect how timestamps are returned?
For QuickBooks Desktop, Autofy does take DST into consideration when processing requests, so you will not need to offset timestamps according to DST.
My end customer is getting QuickBooks Desktop errors.
The best troubleshooting procedure to follow is:
As obvious as this sounds, ensure the error isn't coming from your app.
Confirm that the error isn't coming from the accounting application itself. Often, Autofy can report errors that originate in the accounting app. If this is the case, resolve the error there, or consult with that app's support team for more information. Autofy cannot provide app specific support.
App Specific Support
Autofy support does not include any content or service directed at application specific error messages or issues, and standard practice is to consult with that app's documentation and support resources.
- If you've confirmed that the error is coming from Autofy, here are our guidelines for getting the fastest possible resolution to your issue.
Why can't I connect to the Agent?
There are several possible reasons for this. One is that the Agent isn't installed or running on a machine connected to the internet and logged into Windows. Another is that the Agent hasn't been given the right token, or has been given the userID
instead. And finally, it's always possible that there are issues within your application preventing a successful connection.
Does Autofy support asynchronous syncing or making concurrent requests?
No, asynchronous syncing and making concurrent requests is not supported. The agent can process one request at a time. Be sure you are waiting for a response for each request before making a new request. Otherwise, you will see the 1605 error.
How do I check what agent version an end user has?
Make an IsActive call to the agent. The version will be returned in the response if the agent is open and active. See our docs here on making an IsActive call.
Can QuickBooks be used in multi-user mode when syncing?
With the exception of first provisioning the endpoint, yes, QuickBooks may be used in multi-user mode when syncing. Being logged in as the QB Admin and in single user mode is only a requirement for the provisioning process.
The file path of the company file has changed. What do I do?
You will need to deprovision the current endpoint associated to the old file path and then provision a new endpoint to the new file path.
Updated about 3 years ago