Selecting Reports with Filters
This is a POST request that selects QuickBooks reports, while filtering by values supplied in the request body. Currently only supported by the following QuickBooks Desktop Reports:
Supports filters:
- BalanceSheet
- ProfitAndLoss
- ProfitAndLossDetail
- ProfitAndLossByClass
- ARAgingDetail
- GeneralLedger
- AuditTrail
- TrialBalance
- Journal
- PayrollItemDetail
Does not support filters:
- PLandBalanceSheet
- ProfitAndLossBudgetOverview
- ProfitAndLossBudgetVsActual
- BalanceSheetByClass
Request:{*Endpoint Id*}/selectReport?modTimeStart={*DateTime*}&modTimeEnd={*DateTime*}&name={*ReportName*}
curl --request POST \
--url{*Endpoint Id*}/selectReport \
--header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{
"AccountFilter": {
"Type": "AccountsPayable",
"IDs": ["80000001-000000001", "80000001-000000002"],
"FullNames": ["ParentName:ChildName:Child", "FullName2"],
"IDsIncludeChildren": ["80000001-000000001", "80000001-000000002"],
"FullNamesIncludeChildren": ["ParentName:ChildName:Child", "FullName2"]
"EntityFilter": {
"Type": "Customer",
"IDs": ["80000001-000000001", "80000001-000000002"],
"FullNames": ["ParentName:ChildName:Child", "FullName2"],
"IDsIncludeChildren": ["80000001-000000001", "80000001-000000002"],
"FullNamesIncludeChildren": ["ParentName:ChildName:Child", "FullName2"]
"ShowReport" : "true"
Used to filter by a specific account type. Only one of the following values can be selected:
AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, AllowedFor1099, APAndSalesTax, APOrCreditCard, ARAndAP, Asset, BalanceSheet, Bank, BankAndARAndAPAndUF, BankAndUF, CostOfSales, CreditCard, CurrentAsset, CurrentAssetAndExpense, CurrentLiability, Equity, EquityAndIncomeAndExpense, ExpenseAndOtherExpense, FixedAsset, IncomeAndExpense, IncomeAndOtherIncome, Liability, LiabilityAndEquity, LongTermLiability, NonPosting, OrdinaryExpense, OrdinaryIncome, OrdinaryIncomeAndCOGS, OrdinaryIncomeAndExpense, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome, OtherIncomeOrExpense
One or more QuickBooks ID value(s). Used to filter by the provided account ID's.
One or more QuickBooks FullName value(s). Used to filter by the provided account full names.
Used to filter by a single account ID, and will return data for that specified object and any descendants.
Used to filter by a single account FullName, and will return data for that specified object and any descendants.
Used to filter by a specific entity type. Only one of the following values can be selected:
Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor
One or more QuickBooks ID value(s). Used to filter by the provided entity ID's.
Used to filter by a single entity ID, and will return data for that specified object and any descendants.
Used to filter by a single entity FullName, and will return data for that specified object and any descendants.
ShowReport: Useful debugging tool. Warning! Providing and setting this value to true will pop-up and display the requested report in the connected customers QuickBooks user interface.
Updated about 2 years ago